
Monday, April 28, 2014

DNA Day: Celebrate the programming language of life with your own DNA test

DNA Lights
Happy DNA Day! 61 years ago today, the molecular structure of DNA was revealed to the world in the pages of Nature. The double helix is now emblematic of the programming language of life, and our understanding of DNA has grown by leaps and bounds over the past six decades. To commemorate such an important landmark in the history of man, let’s take a look at some of the most recent developments in the field of genetic research, and maybe even get tested ourselves.
So, what has been happening recently in the realm of genetic research? More than I could ever cover in a single article, but some interesting news regarding Neanderthal geneticshas surfaced just a few days ago. On April 22, a fascinating study lead by Svante Pääbo (the world’s foremost expert in Neanderthal genetics) was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Based on the genomes of three neanderthals found in disparate locations in Eurasia, Pääbo and his team discovered that the genetic diversity in neanderthals pales in comparison to present-day Homo sapiens. It also appears as if the Neanderthal populations were relatively isolated and tiny, so gene flow was extremely limited for these groups.
On the very same day, an article was published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society Bthat proposes the idea that skin cancer from the sun’s damaging UV rays was actually adriving force in the national selection for dark skin in early humans. In the article, Mel Greaves delivers a compelling argument that the deadliness of skin cancer in young albino children in Africa and Central America demonstrates just how vital it was for early humans to develop dark skin. Despite earlier conjecture that skin cancer doesn’t kill early enough to play a major role in natural selection, this article outlines exactly how skin cancer seems to have shaped human evolution.
Y-DNA Tree
Earlier today, National Geographic and Family Tree DNA teamed up to release a brand new version of the human Y-DNA tree. This new tree of Y chromosome mutations has over 1,200 branches — almost double the number of branches that the Genographic Project was displaying before. With this much refinement, it’s now even easier to track the historical migrations of your distant ancestors. To celebrate this monumental roll-out, Family Tree DNA is offering a 20% discount on the 37-marker Y-DNA test and all individual Y-DNA SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) tests to help you get started on your own research.
Nat Geo’s Genographic Project is on the cutting edge of genetic anthropological research, and its test is available to any interested party for only $200. Just a few months ago, I had the pleasure to discuss the intricacies of direct-to-consumer DNA testing with National Geographic’s Dr. Spencer Wells, so take a moment to read the full transcript of the interview for more information. If you’re more interested in the realm of genetic genealogy and your more recent relatives, take a look at’s AncestryDNA product. From now until April 27, you can save 20% on your very own DNA test, and potentially find living relatives from all over the world. Consumer DNA tests are more affordable than ever before, so don’t hesitate to jump in now.

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