
Thursday, October 27, 2011

New warning in Thailand floods

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Bangkok district under evacuation, as flooding worsens - CNN.comvar cnnCurrTime=new Date(1319705804000),cnnCurrHour=4,cnnCurrMin=56,cnnCurrDay="Thu",cnnIsIntl=true,clickID=212106,cnn_cvpAdpre="edition.",cnnCVPAdSectionT1="edition.cnn.com_asia_main_t1",cnnCVPAdSectionInPage="edition.cnn.com_asia_main_inpage",cnnShareUrl="%2F2011%2F10%2F27%2Fworld%2Fasia%2Fthailand-flood%2Findex.html",cnnShareTitle="Bangkok%20district%20under%20evacuation%2C%20as%20flooding%20worsens",cnnShareDesc="",cnnFirstPub=new Date('Thursday Oct 27 02:33:13 EST 2011'),cnnSectionName="world",cnnSubSectionName="wrd : asia",cnnPageType="Story",cnnBrandingValue="default";cnnPartnerValue="";cnnOmniBranding="",cnnAuthor="the CNN Wire Staff",disqus_category_id=207582,disqus_identifier="/2011/10/27/world/asia/thailand-flood/index.html",disqus_title="Bangkok district under evacuation, as flooding worsens",cnn_edtnswtchver="edition",cnnIsStoryPage=true,cnn_metadata = {};cnn_metadata = {section: ["world","wrd : asia"],friendly_name: "Bangkok district under evacuation, as flooding worsens",template_type: "content",template_type_content: "gallery",business: {cnn: {page: {author: "the CNN Wire Staff",broadcast_franchise: "",video_embed_count: "4",publish_date: "2011/10/27",photo_gallery: "Photos: Heavy flooding in Thailand"},video: {video_player: ""}}},user: {authenticated: "",segment: {age: "",zip: "",gender: ""}}};if (typeof(cnnOmniPartner) !== "undefined") {if (cnn_metadata.template_type_content === "") {cnn_metadata.template_type_content = "partner";}}var photo_gallery = "Photos: Heavy flooding in Thailand";Event.observe(window,'load',function(){window.setTimeout("cnn_strysavemrv()",500);});function cnn_strysavemrv(){saveMrvUrl('Bangkok district under evacuation, as flooding worsens -',cnn_strysaveurl);}if(typeof CNN==='undefined'){var CNN=Class.create();}CNN.expandableMap=[''];function _loginOptions(){};var disqus_url=(typeof disqus_identifier!=='undefined') ? 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The government has called the flooding the worst to afflict the nation in half a century.A man smokes a cigarette outside his home as floodwaters rise in Bangkok on Wednesday, October 26. The government has called the flooding the worst to afflict the nation in half a century.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":true,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":1,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}People walk through a flooded street in Bangkok's Chinatown on Wednesday. Thailand derives a significant portion of its revenue from tourism, which has been diminished by the flooding.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":2,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}A man pulls a makeshift raft through a flooded street in Bangkok on Wednesday. Floodwaters extend from Rangsit, north of Bangkok, to the Don Muang airport and Yingcharoen Market.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":3,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}A woman sits with her daughter in the window of their flooded condo. Residents have been urged to flee the rising waters.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":4,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}A man lies on a couch Wednesday in his flooded Bangkok home. Gov. Sukhumbhand Paripatra says that despite the risk, it is difficult to convince people to leave their homes.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":5,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}Women stand in a flooded residential area in Bangkok's Chinatown. Overall damage from the floods could top $6 billion, the Thai Finance Ministry said.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":6,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}Evacuated residents stand among tents in a shelter set up for flood victims at Don Muang airport. Floodwaters forced the airport to close, and it now serves as a base of flood relief operations.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":7,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}A man holds his dog and stands by his belongings at the Don Muang airport. He's waiting to be transferred to a new evacuation center.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":8,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}A girl tries to catch fish in floodwaters outside her house Wednesday.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":9,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}Children play in flooded streets in Bangkok. It might take more than a month for the waters to recede in some areas, officials say.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":10,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}Bangkok residents watch television in a flooded beauty salon on Wednesday.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":11,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}Buddhist monks walk toward a pier along the Chao Phraya River, which winds through the capital.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":12,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}Workers construct a sandbag wall Wednesday along the Chao Praya River, anticipating that it would overtop its embankments over the weekend.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":13,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}An elderly woman in Bangkok is helped onto a truck to be taken to a hospital. The flooding has affected more than 9.5 million people, authorities said.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":14,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}Chinatown residents make their way through a flooded street on Wednesday. The water has caused problems for small vehicles and led to traffic congestion.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length] = {"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":15,"title":"Heavy flooding in Thailand"}HIDE CAPTIONHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in ThailandHeavy flooding in Thailand<<<123456789101112131415>>>STORY HIGHLIGHTSNEW: River levels continue to rise in Thai capitalBangkok's governor warns of the highest water levels in next few daysHolidays are declared in flood-affected provincesAuthorities: Floods have killed 373 people and affected more than 9.5 millionAre you there? Send your images, video to iReport.

Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- Bangkok entered a critical stage Thursday, as the Chao Phraya River rose to 2.5 meters (8.2 feet), with water levels expected to reach 2.6 meters (8.5 feet) by Friday, spilling into many parts of the city, the governor said according to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.

The district of Sai Mai in the eastern part of the capital has been put under an evacuation order.

Residents were urged to flee the rising floodwaters, which have already forced the closure of Bangkok's Don Muang airport and the evacuation of flood victims who have taken refuge there.

Nok Air, which usually operates from Don Muang, should be able to run an almost normal schedule by Friday after moving its operations to the main Suvarnabhumi Airport, the airline's chief executive Patee Sarasin said Wednesday. Some 3,000 Nok Air passengers were affected by flight cancellations on Tuesday, he said.

The flood relief operation will continue to be based at Don Muang, the Thai government has said.

The main international and dometic Suvarnabhumi Airport remains operating normally, protected by 3.5 meters of dikes, said Toopetch Booyarith of the Airport Authority of Thailand, adding, "We are confident that we will not be affected."

On Wednesday Bangkok's governor said all 50 districts must prepare for a "large volume of water runoff" through the weekend. "At the point of high tide, it will be very high, the highest this year. We are bracing for the worse," Bangkok Gov. Sukhumbhand Paribatra told CNN.

Bangkok road becomes river

Sukhumbhand told CNN the authorities could not evacuate a whole city and it was difficult to persuade the Thai people to leave their homes, despite the risk.

Aid challenges in Bangkok

Thailand's government has declared public holidays through the rest of the month in 21 flood-affected provinces, and Thongthong Chantharangsu, a spokesman for Thailand's Flood Relief Operations Center, appealed on TV for Bangkok residents to head to the countryside.

Heavy cost of Thai floods

The water has reached 30 centimeters (12 inches) in places and is overflowing on to sidewalks and some roads, causing problems for small vehicles and leading to traffic congestion, the agency said.

Thailand devastated by floods

The U.S. ambassador to Thailand, Kristie A. Kenny, said the crisis was slow moving and it was hard to know what would be hit next.

The United States has already provided civilian relief resources including water pumps, purifiers and life vests, she said, and two U.S. helicopters are helping the Thai military survey the extent of the flooding.

Nationwide, the floods have killed 373 people and affected more than 9.5 million people, authorities said.

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The government has called the flooding the worst to afflict the nation in half a century and said it might take more than a month before the waters recede in some areas.

The government has set up more than 1,700 shelters nationwide, and more than 113,000 people have taken refuge.

Overall damage from the floods has risen and could top $6 billion, with the worst yet to come as the waters destroy shops and paralyze factories nationwide, the Thai Finance Ministry said.

Thailand derives a significant portion of its revenue from tourism, which has been diminished by the flooding.

CNN's Kocha Olarn, Paula Hancocks and Elizabeth Yuan contributed to this report

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